15 research outputs found

    An improved discrete bat algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problems

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    Bat algorithm is a population metaheuristic proposed in 2010 which is based on the echolocation or bio-sonar characteristics of microbats. Since its first implementation, the bat algorithm has been used in a wide range of fields. In this paper, we present a discrete version of the bat algorithm to solve the well-known symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problems. In addition, we propose an improvement in the basic structure of the classic bat algorithm. To prove that our proposal is a promising approximation method, we have compared its performance in 37 instances with the results obtained by five different techniques: evolutionary simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, an island based distributed genetic algorithm, a discrete firefly algorithm and an imperialist competitive algorithm. In order to obtain fair and rigorous comparisons, we have conducted three different statistical tests along the paper: the Student's tt-test, the Holm's test, and the Friedman test. We have also compared the convergence behaviour shown by our proposal with the ones shown by the evolutionary simulated annealing, and the discrete firefly algorithm. The experimentation carried out in this study has shown that the presented improved bat algorithm outperforms significantly all the other alternatives in most of the cases

    Self-perception of the digital competence of undergraduate students in Social Education with Ikanos

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    La competencia digital es una competencia clave que implica el uso creativo, crítico y seguro de las TIC. Los/as profesionales de la Educación Social deben ir en esta línea para ser ciudadanos/as competentes en una sociedad digitalizada. Así, se recoge la necesidad de desarrollar esta competencia en el Libro blanco del título de grado en Pedagogía y Educación Social. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la autopercepción de la competencia digital del alumnado en el grado en Educación Social. Para ello, se utiliza el Test Ikanos. En el estudio, han participado 266 estudiantes de la Universidad de deusto de tres cursos. Los resultados nos indican una autopercepción baja de la competencia digital. Los ítems con menor puntuación se corresponden con las competencias de innovación, seguridad de los datos personales y privacidad, y programación. Sin embargo, las competencias de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información, e interactuar son las puntuaciones medias más altasdigital competence is a key competence that involves the creative, critical and safe use of ICT. Social Education professionals must follow this line to be competent citizens in a digitized society. Thus, the need to develop this competence is included in the White book of the bachelor's degree in Pedagogy and Social Education. This study aims to analyze the self-perception of digital competence of students in the degree in Social Education. for this, the Ikanos Test is used. 266 students from the University of deusto from three courses participated in the study. The results indicate a low self-perception of digital competence. The items with the lowest scores correspond to the competences of innovation, security of personal data and privacy, and programming. however, the skills of storing and retrieving information, and interacting are the highest mean score

    Skills Requirements for the European Machine Tool Sector Emerging from Its Digitalization

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    Abstract The machine tool industry, which is the starting point of all the metal producing activities, is presently undergoing rapid and continuous changes as a result of the fourth industrial revolution Industry 4.0. Manufacturing models are profoundly transforming with emerging digitalization. Smart technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), digital twin, allow the machine tool companies to optimize processes, increase efficiency and reduce waste through a new phase of automation. These technologies, as well, enable the machine tool producers to reach the aim of creating products with improved performance, extended life, high reliability that are eco-efficient. Therefore, Industry 4.0 could be perceived as an invaluable opportunity for the machine tool sector, only if the sector has a competent workforce capable of handling the implementation of new business models and technological developments. The main condition to create this highly qualified workforce is reskilling and upskilling of the current workforce. Once we define the expected evolution of skills requirements, we can clarify the skills mismatch between the workers and job profiles. Only then, we can reduce them by delivering well-developed trainings. For this purpose, this article identifies the current and foreseen skills requirements demanded by the machine tool industry workforce. To this end, we generated an integrated database for the sector with the present and prospective skills needs of the metal processing sector professionals. The presented sectoral database is a fundamental structure that will make the sector acquire targeted industrial reforms. It can also be an essential instrument for machine tool companies, policymakers, academics and education or training centers to build well-designed and effective training programs to enhance the skills of the labor forceThis research was partly funded by (a) the European Union through the Erasmus Plus Programme (Grant Agreement No. 2018-3019/001-001, Project No. 600886-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA-B). (b) the HAZITEK call of the Basque Government, project acronym Adit4All and (c) Accenture, Inzu Group, Fundación Telefónica and Fundación BBK, partners of the Deusto Digital Industry Chair

    A systematic literature review about the level of digital competences defined by DigCompEdu in higher education

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    Nowadays, we are facing a historical moment in which education practices are being transformed—mainly due to the increase of technologies and their massive use at all levels of society; thus, it is necessary to integrate them in educational settings. In this context, the aim of this paper is to analyse the level of technological competences of university professors. To this end, a systematic literature review based on the PRISMA methodology is carried out. he search was focused on WoS and SCOPUS databases. Initially, 815 documents were retrieved, and after applying the exclusion criteria 30 papers were selected. The selected papers have been analysed in detail and the final conclusions have been structured according to the DigCompEdu digital competence framework. The results show that the level of Digital Competences of University Professors (DCUP) is moderate, and highlight aspects to improve: Reflective Practice is not cited in any article, and Learner ́s Empowerment and Facilitating Students’ Digital Competence are the least referred. These aspects should be considered for future research and, for this reason, it is recommended to carry out continuous training for university professors supported by the DigCompEdu framework.Actualmente nos encontramos ante un momento histórico en el que las prácticas educativas se están transformando, debido principalmente al incremento de las tecnologías y su uso masivo en todos los niveles de la sociedad, por lo que es necesario integrarlas en los contextos educativos. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el nivel de competencias tecnológicas de los profesores universitarios. Para ello, se realiza una revisión sistemática basada en la metodología PRISMA. La búsqueda se centró en las bases de datos WoS y SCOPUS. Inicialmente se recuperaron 815 documentos y tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión se seleccionaron 30 trabajos. Los documentos seleccionados se han analizado en detalle y las conclusiones finales se han estructurado según el marco de competencias digitales DigCompEdu. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de Competencias Digitales del Profesorado Universitario (CDPU) es moderado y destacan aspectos a mejorar: la Práctica Reflexiva no es citada en ningún artículo y Empoderar a los Estudiantes y Facilitar la Competencia Digital de los Estudiantes son los menos referidos. Estos aspectos han de tenerse en cuenta para futuras investigaciones y, por este motivo, se recomienda fomentar la formación continua avalados por el marco DigCompEdu

    Aula abierta

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónActualmente nos encontramos ante un momento histórico en el que las prácticas educativas se están transformando, debido principalmente al incremento de las tecnologías y su uso masivo en todos los niveles de la sociedad, por lo que es necesario integrarlas en los contextos educativos. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el nivel de competencias tecnológicas de los profesores universitarios. Para ello, se realiza una revisión sistemática basada en la metodología PRISMA. La búsqueda se centró en las bases de datos WoS y SCOPUS. Inicialmente se recuperaron 815 documentos y tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión se seleccionaron 30 trabajos. Los documentos seleccionados se han analizado en detalle y las conclusiones finales se han estructurado según el marco de competencias digitales DigCompEdu. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de Competencias Digitales del Profesorado Universitario (CDPU) es moderado y destacan aspectos a mejorar: la Práctica Reflexiva no es citada en ningún artículo y Empoderar a los Estudiantes y Facilitar la Competencia Digital de los Estudiantes son los menos referidos. Estos aspectos han de tenerse en cuenta para futuras investigaciones y, por este motivo, se recomienda fomentar la formación continua avalados por el marco DigCompEdu.ES

    Definición de una herramienta de autoreflexión llamada Aurora para la evaluación de la competencia digital docente

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    Actualment estem davant d'un moment històric en què les pràctiques educatives es transformen mitjançant la tecnologia. En aquest escenari, les institucions d'educació superior tenen una gran responsabilitat envers la Competència Digital del Professor Universitari (DCUP). L'objectiu principal de l'estudi és contribuir a la millora de l'autoreflexió del DCUP. Per tant, es defineix una eina d'autoavaluació anomenada Aurora, basada en el model del Marc Europeu per a la Competència Digital dels Educadors (DigCompEdu). Posteriorment, s'aplica l'eina i s'analitzen els resultats. La metodologia utilitzada és quantitativa mitjançant una enquesta en línia. La mostra estava formada per 154 professors universitaris de la Universitat de Deusto (UD). D'una banda, mitjançant l'anàlisi descriptiva es destaca que el qüestionari Aurora és una eina objectiva per mesurar l'autoreflexió del DCUP. D'altra banda, a través de l'anàlisi inferencial es subratlla que es troben diferències significatives en les dades demogràfiques de categoria professional i edat. També es subratlla que hi ha diferències significatives en les correlacions. Aquests resultats mostren que cal crear un qüestionari que mesuri totes les competències del model DigCompEdu per tenir en compte el model DigCompEdu.PRAULES CLAU: Tecnoestrès; suposada utilitat; actituds cap a la tecnologia portàtil; intencions contínues de fer servir tecnologia mòbil; professors de ciència en formació; professors de tecnologia; professors de matemàtiquesWe are currently facing a historical moment in which educational practices are being transformed using technology. In this scenario, higher education institutions have a great responsibility towards the Digital Competence of University Professor (DCUP). The main objective of the study is to contribute to the improvement of the self-reflection of the DCUP. Therefore, a self-assessment tool called Aurora, based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) model, is defined. Subsequently, the tool is applied, and the results are analysed. The methodology used is quantitative by means of an online survey. The sample consisted of 154 university professors from the University of Deusto (UD). On the one hand, through descriptive analysis it is highlighted that the Aurora questionnaire is an objective tool to measure the self-reflection of the DCUP. On the other hand, through the inferential analysis it is underlined that significant differences are found in the demographic data of professional category and age. It is also stressed that there are significant differences in the correlations. These results show that it is necessary to create a questionnaire that measures all the competences of the DigCompEdu model to be considering the DigCompEdu model.Actualmente estamos ante un momento histórico en el que las prácticas educativas se transforman mediante la tecnología. En este escenario, las instituciones de educación superior tienen una gran responsabilidad por la Competencia Digital del Profesor Universitario (DCUP). El objetivo principal del estudio es contribuir a la mejora de la autorreflexión del DCUP. Por tanto, se define una herramienta de autoevaluación llamada Aurora, basada en el modelo del Marco Europeo para la Competencia Digital de los Educadores (DigCompEdu). Posteriormente, se aplica la herramienta y se analizan los resultados. La metodología utilizada es cuantitativa mediante una encuesta online. La muestra estaba formada por 154 profesores universitarios de la Universidad de Deusto (UD). Por un lado, mediante el análisis descriptivo se destaca que el cuestionario Aurora es una herramienta objetiva para medir la autorreflexión del DCUP. Por otra parte, a través del análisis inferencial se subraya que se encuentran diferencias significativas en los datos demográficos de categoría profesional y edad. También se subraya que existen diferencias significativas en las correlaciones. Estos resultados muestran que es necesario crear un cuestionario que mida todas las competencias del modelo DigCompEdu para tener en cuenta el modelo DigCompEdu

    Comparison between Golden Ball Meta-heuristic, Evolutionary Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The Golden Ball is a multi-population meta-heuristic based on soccer concepts. It was first designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Until now, it has been tested with different kind of problems, but its efficiency has only been compared with some classical algorithms, such as different kind of Genetic Algorithms and Distributed Genetic Algorithms. In this work, the performance of the Golden Ball is compared with the ones obtained by two famous and widely used techniques: an Evolutionary Simulated Annealing and a Tabu Search. These both meta-heuristics are two of the most used ones along the history for solving optimization problems. In this first study, the comparison is performed for the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem

    Campus virtuales : revista científica iberoamericana de tecnología educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésSe presenta un estudio que tiene como objetivo analizar la autopercepción de la competencia digital del alumnado en el grado en Educación Social de la Universidad de Deusto. Para ello, se utiliza el test Ikanos. En el estudio participaron 266 estudiantes de tres cursos. Los resultados indican una autopercepción baja de la competencia digital. Los ítems con menor puntuación se corresponden con las competencias de innovación, seguridad de los datos personales y privacidad, y programación. Sin embargo, las competencias de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información, e interactuar son las puntuaciones medias más altasES

    Smart Bandwidth Assignation in an Underlay Cellular Network for Internet of Vehicles

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    The evolution of the IoT (Internet of Things) paradigm applied to new scenarios as VANETs (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) has gained momentum in recent years. Both academia and industry have triggered advanced studies in the IoV (Internet of Vehicles), which is understood as an ecosystem where different types of users (vehicles, elements of the infrastructure, pedestrians) are connected. How to efficiently share the available radio resources among the different types of eligible users is one of the important issues to be addressed. This paper briefly analyzes various concepts presented hitherto in the literature and it proposes an enhanced algorithm for ensuring a robust co-existence of the aforementioned system users. Therefore, this paper introduces an underlay RRM (Radio Resource Management) methodology which is capable of (1) improving cellular spectral efficiency while making a minimal impact on cellular communications and (2) ensuring the different QoS (Quality of Service) requirements of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) applications. Simulation results, where we compare the proposed algorithm to the other two RRM, show the promising spectral efficiency performance of the proposed RRM methodology